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A Holistic Approach to Animal Wellness: Ayurvedic Practices for Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy
Ayurvedic medicine is a healing system originating from India that is renowned for its view of well-being and health practices that have been utilized for more than 7 millennia to support human health primarily, but also extends valuable insights for the upkeep and welfare of animals.
This article delves into the integration of practices in caring for pets by emphasizing its core principles and providing guidance on nutrition suggestions and herbal treatments to address pet health issues.
Exploring the Principles of Ayurveda
Ayurveda focuses on maintaining harmony through the balance of the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas which are influenced by the elements of air, ether fire water and earth within every living being.
Like humans, our animal companions also possess their own dosha characteristics.
Movement is controlled by Vata dosha, which is associated with the elements of air and ether, and which includes functions like breathing and circulation and the functioning of the nervous system as well as muscular movements.
Pitta (associated with the fire and water elements) play a role in controlling metabolism, aiding digestion and regulating body temperature.
The combination of water and earth elements comprise Kapha dosha, which plays a role in maintaining the body’s structure and lubrication while also supporting immunity and tissue health and regeneration.
Ayurvedic teachings highlight the importance of nutrition in maintaining health, emphasizing that a pet’s diet impacts both their physical well-being as well as their emotional state. Ayurveda advises feeding pets based on their doshic make-up to promote harmony and equilibrium, in their health.
Pets belonging to the Vata dosha are energetic and mobile in nature: (think Greyhounds and Whippets, for example) thrive on nourishing foods that are warm and moist as well as grounding in essence. Chicken and lamb prepared through “wet” cooking methods (boiling ad braising) along with spices like turmeric and ginger are recommended to maintain a balance, for Vata individuals.
Pitta pets, which are usually medium sized and full of energy (think of most Terrier breeds as well as many Poodles and some Retrievers) do well with foods that have cooling and calming properties like turkey meat and refreshing fruits such, as apples and cucumbers to maintain balance in Pitta dosha. The key is to steer away from overly acidic foods.
Larger and more laid-back pets (Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands and many Labradors for example) associated with the Kapha benefit from consuming light and dry foods that offer warmth to counter their tendencies. Incorporating meats like fish and vegetables such, as spinach into their diet can help balance their Kapha energy. It's best to steer of oily foods as they have the potential to amplify Kapha’s inherent characteristics.
Recognized for its qualities which aid pets in coping with stress and anxiety while boosting their energy levels and enhancing their system function for overall well-being.
Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can help with ailments, like arthritis and allergies in pets while also aiding in digestive issues and promoting overall health due, to its antioxidant qualities.
Triphala is a mix of three fruits that is recognized for its effect on digestion and can provide relief for pets experiencing issues like constipation and indigestion or general gastrointestinal discomfort.
Neem is commonly utilized to enhance skin health and to combat infections. It can be externally administered to address flea problems or skin irritations..
Shatavari is recognized for its nurturing and calming qualities that may help pets with Pitta imbalances manifesting as heat or inflammation.
Before giving any remedies to your animal friend make sure to talk to a veterinarian who knows about Ayurvedic practices. This step will help determine the amount of herbal medicine needed and help provide safety precautions tailored to your pet’s requirements, as will my recently published book ‘Ayurvedic Pet Care: Natural Health Care for Cats & Dogs’ (available on Amazon.com)
Ayurvedic remedies provide a range of solutions for addressing health issues in pets and help to steer clear of the use of pharmaceutical medications in a great many situations. Some examples include:
Many pets experience feelings of anxiety and stress which can manifest in behaviors such as barking, licking, restlessness or separation anxiety; in such cases calming herbs like ashwagandha and could be beneficial in easing their nerves. Additionally implementing sessions of massage using warm oils like sesame or olive oil may also aid in promoting relaxation, for the pets.
As pets age they may experience body pains or arthritis which can cause discomfort and swelling in their joints. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can help alleviate these symptoms. Another way to provide relief is through massage (nearly all pets love this) using warming oils, like castor or sesame oil. This can enhance mobility and alleviate pain in pets.
Humans and pets both do well with a routine in their lives. It helps keep them both physically and emotionally balanced. Make sure to create a schedule for feeding your pet and taking them for walks with rest breaks every day to help them thrive.
Treatments include increasing and regulating agni, modifying one’s diet to decrease sugars, yeast, and fermented foods and addressing hygiene and lifestyle issues that only Floor care hygiene services can handle.
The three most important strategies in the treatment of candidiasis are, first, to reduce the individual’s toxic load, secondly to ensure the integrity of the digestive agni and finally to build ojas (immunity) back into the body. This enables the body to rid itself of this pathological yeast permanently.
Regularly massaging your pets can provide an therapeutic experience, for them. The practice of using oils in massage is referred to as Abhyanga in Ayurvedic traditions and is believed to promote better blood circulation reducing anxiety and boosting immunity, in pets.
Adjust your pets care routines based on the seasons according to principles – during summer opt, for cooling foods and herbs and in winter prioritize nourishing practices.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, offers a natural and balanced approach to pet care. It focuses on maintaining the health of pets through diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices that align with their unique constitution, or "dosha." Just like humans, animals can exhibit characteristics of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha doshas, and Ayurvedic care can help balance these to promote overall well-being.
This book is an easy-to-read introduction to the fascinating field of Ayurveda and a detailed and practical narrative of the many ways it can help our pets lead long, happy and healthy lives.