Study Ayurvedic Coach Online Program

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Category: Online Courses
Tuition: U$1,950
Begin on: Anytime
Modality: 100% Online
Duration: 9 months

Take the first important step in your journey towards Ayurvedic education and become an Ayurvedic Coach. The student will learn about the healing principles of Ayurveda and will understand how to apply these concepts aimed to balance health and wellbeing.

You will be able to start or complement your current practice by helping others to improve their lives. This affordable, high-quality online training program has been designed for students that are unable to participate in our formal academic program.

  • The Ayurvedic Coach program is based on our signature Ayurvedic Health Counselor curriculum.
  • Begin your studies at any time and learn at your own pace in the comfort and convenience of your home.
  • Students will have lifetime access to the content.
  • Upon completion, students will be awarded our Ayurvedic Coach certification.

Note: Ayurvedic Coach is a purely online program will not qualify graduates for professional membership with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals in North America (AAPNA), nor will the student be eligible to continue formal studies to become an Ayurvedic Practitioner or Doctor of Ayurveda.

  1. AY 101: Ayurvedic Philosophy and Foundations (Tarka, Sankhya and Siddhant)
  2. AY 102: Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology I (Sharir Vignyan I)
  3. AY 103: Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology II (Sharir Vignyan II)
  4. AY 104: Ayurvedic Psychology (Manasa Vignyan)
  5. AY 105: Ayurvedic Nutrition and Food Science (Ahara Vignyan)
  6. AY 106: Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Dravya Guna Rasa Shastra)
  7. AY 107: Ayurvedic Materia Medica 1 (Dravyaguna Vignyan I)
  8. AY 108: Ayurvedic Pathology (Roga Nidan/ Vikruti Vignyan)
  9. AY 109: Ayurvedic Constitutional and Pulse Evaluation (Nadi Vignyan)
  10. AY 110: Ayurvedic Detoxification Program I (Panchakarma I)
  11. AY 111: Ayurvedic Management of Common Disorders
  12. AY 112: Ayurvedic Colloquium – Ayurvedic Management of Pain and Ayurvedic Practice Management and Ethics
  • Fluent in verbal and written English.
  • Proficient with the use of a computer.

When you study our Ayurvedic Coach Online Program, you will get exclusive material which has been developed through 20+ year of experience.

Didactical videos

Self-Study Resources

Printable Notes

Quizzes and Online Exams

Unlimited Support

Lifetime Access

Frequently Asked Questions

• Being at least 18 years old.
• Minimum of high school diploma or general equivalency diploma
• Fluent in verbal and written English 

The Ayurvedic Coach program is offered to students who are interested in integrating Ayurvedic concepts into their current practice (such as yoga instructors, nurses, health professionals, therapists, energy workers, life coach, etc.), limited to guiding individuals towards achieving better health and well-being through lifestyle. This an online program, self-paced, on demand, with life-time access to its contents. This program is not recognized in the formal curriculum of Ayurvedic professional programs.


Ayurvedic Health Counselor

Ayurvedic Coach


12 months

9-12 months

Class delivery

Virtual via Zoom & in person

Online self-paced




Accredited program



Faculty Support



Sanskrit course included



Clinical Practice



Research assignment



Community lecture assignment



Anatomy & Physiology credits



Payment plans



  • 2001 Tyler Street, Suite 4, Hollywood, FL 33020, USA

  • +1 (305) 725-2919